In accordance with 24 CFR 580.7.3.i, this HMIS Participation Agreement is between
_____________________________________________________ (the Contributory HMIS Organization) and WV Coalition to End Homelessness, the HMIS Lead Agency for the Balance of State Continuum of Care (CoC). This HMIS Participation Agreement sets forth the roles and responsibilities of both parties with regard to the implementation and use of the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).
WV Coalition to End Homelessness (WVCEH) will serve as the administrator for the Homeless Management Information System provided by HUD funds and will assume the responsibilities in association with federal, state, and local laws and requirements. WVCEH will:
Ensure the operation of HMIS and participation by recipients of HUD funds and other funding sources that require participation in HMIS.
Develop a written Policies and Procedures Manual for the operation and maintenance of HMIS.
Monitor participation for consistency and adherence to the statewide Data Quality Plan, Security Plan, and Privacy Plan as outlines in the WV Statewide Policies and Procedures Manual.
Coordinate data entry training and annual security and privacy training for all CHOs as required.
Conduct oversight of HMIS participation to ensure compliance with HUD regulations and take corrective action, if needed.
Report to the Continuum of Care (CoC) on a regular basis with regard to HMIS participation, data quality, and compliance.
Submit HMIS reports to HUD and its federal partners as required.
Utilize HMIS to track and facilitate the Coordinated Entry System services through the provision of a standardized assessment and intake process across system-wide access points, oversee and manage the housing guide, complete referrals to providers, and ensure housing providers’ unit lists are updated and accurate.
As a Contributing HMIS Organization (CHO),
agrees to partner with WVCEH in support of HMIS for the Balance of State CoC.
The CHO will:
Contribute data to the HMIS in accordance with minimal requirements as outlined in the WV Statewide HMIS Policies and Procedures manual and the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Data Standards, released October 2019.
Designate a CHO staff member(s) to serve as Agency HMIS Contact, provide oversight of agency’s data quality and user compliance, and provide contact information to the HMIS Lead Agency.
Ensure that all CHO staff contributing data to HMIS receives training as outlined in the Policies and Procedures Manual.
Implement the standard intake form developed by the WVCEH.
Comply with all data entry, security and privacy policies as outlined in the HMIS Policies and Procedures Manual.
Ensure that all HMIS users within the CHO have signed the End User License Agreement and received unique user names and passwords.
Report any staff changes that impact HMIS to the HMIS Lead Agency immediately.
Comply with the roles and responsibilities set forth in this Participation Agreement.
Take an active role in the CoC’s Coordinated Entry efforts by adhering to the HMIS Coordinated Entry guidelines and processes established by the CoC based on project specific requirements
Neither the CHO nor the HMIS Lead Agency may transfer the rights and responsibilities outlined in this agreement without the written consent of the other party. This Participation Agreement will be in force until revoked in writing by either party and then will be terminated without 30 days of written notice by the CHO or the HMIS Lead Agency.
This agreement will be reviewed and renewed annually, in accordance with federal regulation.