Benefits of HMIS
Provide an interconnected system of care rather than a sporadic grouping of independent programs
Facilitate case plan development, action steps, case notes, and goals as well as track client progress
Allow you to see a comprehensive history of client needs and services from any agency using HMIS
Incorporate comprehensive, customizable reporting capabilities
Include shared client demographics, intake data, and service history to improve efficiency
Allow you to become part of the Statewide Coordinated Intake and Assessment System
Contain the ability to track services by funding streams
Grant broader knowledge of available resources electronically 24/7
About HMIS
HMIS is a shared data system designed to provide an unduplicated count of homeless individuals, information on the number of people who are homeless, related demographics and their needs over time.
Local programs in communities implement an HMIS to enter and share client-level data across agencies about homeless persons served in shelters or other agencies.
All HUD funded projects and its HMIS participating federal partners must utilize an HMIS system to track client level data for reporting purposes.